Längelmäelle saapui Belgiasta Johan Limbourg ja hänen maalimiehensä Franckx Gregory. Seminaarin teema oli kouluttaa nuoria ja jo aikuisia koiria mondioringiin, sekä tarjota sertifioiduille uusille maalimiehille koulutusta.
Pe -Ma koulutettiin paljon koiria, paikalla oli n. 25-30 koiraa ohjaajineen. Sääkin suosi perinteisellä heinäkuun säällä.
Teemana oli kisaan valmistautumista, treeniä eri kisaosioihin, nuoren koiran opastusta, tottelevaisuutta sekä käsiteltiin paljon hyppyjä joihin saimmekin paljon vinkkejä. Viikonloppu sujui hyvin. Johan tuli vielä syksyllä toiseen koulutusosioon joka järjestettiin myös Längelmäellä Kana-areenalla. Joka oli jatkoa kesän seminaarille.
Kouluttaja Johan Limbourg omin sanoin:
I started in Belgium ring and mondioring at year 2000 at my age of 29. Before i was football player. My educator was Hubert Vanbeneden for 4 years and then i did it my way. I play my first competition begin 2001 with old dog Quirios (dit Popeye). I play with him 2 years in mondio1. In 2003 i begon with Arès in Belgium ring and also mondioring 1.In
2004 i play also belgium ring and mondioring with Arès. In 2005 i begon with Balhou and at belgium championship mondio 1 i was 3rd podium. In 2006 i was 2nd podium with Arès mondio 2 belgium champship. In 2007 Balhou was belgium Champion berger belg mondio 2. In 2008 i was with Strike and Arès 2nd and 3rd on podium championship berger belg in cat3. In 2008 Arès 13th/40 place on wold championship Asti cat3. In 2008 Balhou 2nd on belgium championship mondio 2. In 2009 i play with Balhou and Arès in cat3. Arès was also selected for wold championship but end’s last because i haven’t controle of the dog. In 2010 Balhou in cat3 belgium champion berger belge and selected for wold championship Berger belge at FmBB. Also this year i begin with my new dog Haiduc of joli troucheaus and another femelle dog.
I have brevet of Belgium ring.
In 2002 i begon to breed malinois and Balhou is one of my first litter.
Balhou : 2 x Champion Berger belge in cat 2&3
3rd place mondio 1 championship 2005
2nd place mondio2 championship 2008
Arès : selected 3x world championship
2nd place 2006 championship mondio 2
3rd place championship Berger belge mondio 3
Strike: 2nd place championship Berger belge mondio 3
This dog is only by me order control. I was his 4th master.
I educated 5 decoys and 3 of this was decoy in Belgium championship for the moment. Maybe i forgot something but this is my way of 10 years in dogs world. Now i have my own club HC Euro Pajot.