Kees Verbunt seminaari maalimiehille 10.-12.7.2011

Seminaarin tarkoitus on opastaa maalimiehiä miten otetaan turvallisesti vastaan koira pukuun, opastaa pennun koulutusta esim. miten tehdään syvät otteet yms. Paljon käytettiin aikaa jalkatyöskentelyyn.


kees1Kees omin sanoin:
My career in dog sport started when I was eleven years old. The first years was dedicated to obedience and agility, but after a while I decided it was time to try something new. At that time a small group at my club started with Belgian ring. This dog sport seduced me immediatly and it didn’t take long before I had my Belgian ring decoy certification (1996).

During the following years I learned to know Jos Helsen and Steve Seynheave. The guys who guided and inspired me. They were the ones who helped me to get the Mondioring decoy certification (1998) and they helped me train my first malinois Zep. With Zep I became Belgian champion and FMBB world champion in mondioring cat I, 2004.

Since then i have competed whit 5 dogs in Belgian Ring and 6 dogs in mondioring. I was selected 6 times for the Belgian ring championship, 8 times for the national Mondioring championship and 6 world championships in FMBB and FCI.

I have decoyed more than 100 competitions and was selected as official decoy for:

World Championship FCI Mondio 2002 (Beauvechain)
World Championship FMBB Mondio 2004 (Spain), 2009 (Tsjechie), 2010 (Germany)
Belgian Championship Mondio 2002 (Glabbeek), 2008 (Wetteren)
United States Championship Mondio 2009 (San Antonio)
Swiss Championship Mondio Level I and II 2004 (Lengnau)
Belgian Cup Mondio 2002 (Glabbeek), 2006 (Seraing)
Belgian Ring championship 2009 (Beauvechain)
Belgian Championship campagne 2009 (De Haan)