Juhannusseminaari 21-23.6.2013 KNPV – IPO – Mondioring
21.-23.6.2013 tulee Hollannista Jeroen Vunderink. Seminaarin aiheena KNPV, IPO ja Mondioring
Jeroumin meriitit:
1984: Started training my first dog for Obedience, was a Drentse Pattrijs (dutch Hunting dog)
1985: Started training with my second dog for Obedience, my first xMalinois and broke all club records with this dog
1987: Become the youngest Obedience instructor at that club at 17 years old
1992: After 5 years of training with my x Malinois and being an instructor switch to the KNPV to start training my next x Malinois (Citah) for KNPV Policedog I
1996: Titled Citah (xMalinois bitch), KNPV PH I 410 CL in Rotterdam
1996: Also started training IPO next to KNPV
1998: IPO Decoy certification
1998: Started www.bloedlijnen.nl
1998: Passed for Behavior judge with the Dutch Kennel Club
1998: Title my braun Dobermann male (Oralndo van de Berkensingel) for BH, IPO I and Schutz Hund I (sold the dog after the trails)
2000: Titled my next xMalinois male (Eli) KNPV PH I 408 CL
2001: Titled Eli for KNPV PH II 441 CL
2001: Titled Eli for KNPV Object 352 CL and was first substitute for the Dutch National Championschip Object
2005: Titled my first FCI Malinois (Renegade-Rudy van de Vroomshoeve) KNPV PH I 435 CL and sold him to a Ducth police force
2006: Passed for KNPV Certified Decoy (Afdelingshelper) for the province Utrecht
2006: Tiitle the FCI Malinois bitch Roelie-Tosca van de Vroomshoeve IPO II (96-83-96=275)
2006: Passed for KNPV PH I judge
2007: Got first invitation for a Dutch television, BZT show to for fill a childs wish on Police dogs (Link)
2008: Helped MTV with their TV show “Roll-the-dice” about Policedogs
2008: Became behavior judge for the Dutch Belgian Shepherd club
2009: Titled my next FCI Malinois male, Google van de Vroomshoeve, IPO I (100-90-97=287)
2009: Regional Champion IPO I NBG Regio II
2009: Best IPO I dog at the Dutch Championship NVBH
2009: Appeared at the Dutch tv show “Willem Wever”
2009: Google van de Vroomshoeve, IPO II (99-95-96=290)
2010: 2e place Championship NBG Regio II, IPO II
2010: Title my Next FCI Malinois, Explosive-Eli van de Vroomshoeve, KNPV PH I 428 CL
2010: Google van de Vroomshoeve, IPO III (97-88-96= 281)
2011: Google van de Vroomshoeve, IPO III, Brabant bokaal (274)
2011: Google van de Vroomshoeve, IPO III, Maasroute bokaal (281)
2011: Google van de Vroomshoeve, IPO III, Competitor at the Dutch National Championship NVBH IPO III
2011: Speaker at Animal Event in The Netherlands
2011: Got 2nd invitation for a Dutch television, BZT show to for fill a childs wish on Police dogs
2012: Google van de Vroomshoeve, Qualified for the World Championship FMBB in Rome, Italy. Google died 4 weeks for the Championship.
2012: Big-Benton van Roosfaya, my new FCI Malinois in training for KNPV and IPO (8 months old now)
Seminaari alkaa pe 21.6. klo 10.00 ja loppuu su iltapv.
Seminaarin hinta on: 45€/3pv jäsenille, 60€/3pv Ei jäsen
Markus Kuusela
p. 045-6500 209, mail. info@wfmondioringclub.net
MR1-3 14.7.2013 klo 10.00 alkaen
Tuomari Arsi Liimatta
Maalimiehet, Tomi Nummela, Juuso Korhonen, Lauri Impiö ja Ari Koskelma.
Paikalla Buffetti
Maalimiesleiri 20.-21.7.2013
Teoriaa ja käytäntöä
Kouluttajat Markus Kuusela ja Tomi Nummela
Ilmoittautumiset Markus Kuusela
email. Kuusela.markus@gmail.com