3.-4.5.2014 tulee Belgiasta Hans Verbruggen. Seminaarin aiheena Belgian Ring!
Nyt se on mahdollista. Western Finland Ring Club järjestää huippumaalimiehen tuella 2 pv seminaarin ja mahdollisuuden tutustua lajiin!
Hans Verbruggen is a Belgian Ring decoy, running at “Hoboken Vinkenveiden” and Pavlov Deinze. As young boy, he accompanied his older brothers to the training fields of Oxdonk and observed for hours the older decoys. After several victories, he and his malinois “BINGO” were qualified for the Belgian champpionchips during the season 2009 with a third place as results. To broaden his horizons Hans developed interest in all dog sports with bite work like Shutzhund, French Ring, Mondioring and KNPV.
His source of inspiration is Davy Van Thuynen less known outside Belgium but not in the Belgian Ring. In his work as decoy, he uses a lot of operant conditioning; his aim is to have an active dog insted of a reactive one. The work of a BR decoy seems less spectacular than French Ring but the so demanding emphasis on the “full pushing grib” reguires a lot of fine hidden techniques and distinct the better training decoy from less.
Seminaarin hinta on:
Maksu suoritettu ennen 28.2.2014, 140€
Maksu suoritettu ennen 30.4.2014, 170€
Kuunteluoppilailta sama hinta.
Ilmoittautumiset ja lisätiedot
Markus Kuusela
p. 045-6500 209, mail. kuusela.markus @
Mondioringkoe 28.-29.6.2014
Luokat 1-3, Tuomarina toimii Belgiasta Jos Helsen
Maalimiehet: Lauri Impiön johdolla mukana kilpailuissa ovat Jussi Leinonen ja Petri Törnström.
1pv 40 euro, 2pv 75 euro
Ilmoittautumiset: kuusela.markus @ tai p. 045-6500 209